A day of rest--aside from digging out from the snow, I did nothing but stuff for myself. WG even cooked and served me dinner.
Tomorrow back to the grind. One day of work, a load of laundry, getting the files together, more baking and helping out at the restaurant for the rest of the week.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, December 27, 2010
The sun has come out
Right out of the pan
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I must be dreaming bake goods!
A bit stir crazy?
You would think I would be taking a rest from baking after all the baking I've been doing (2 loaves of lemon cake, 1 batch of chocolate white chocolate chip cookies and bake mochi yesterday and bread pudding this morning). But I just put in the oven some Monkey Bread. Someone from work told me about this--I loved the name and decided I had to make it. Recipe is a adaptation/cheater version from Martha Stewart. I bought pre-made bread dough and didn't use nuts. I hope it comes okay--I would think it would with all the butter and brown sugar in it. How could it be bad.
Here's the Monkey Bread pre-oven, after it's rise. I ran out of brown sugar topping but the amount I made, I don't think it will hurt it. This snack will come in handy after our dig out tomorrow. I'll post a pic of the finish version with an review later.
Here's the Monkey Bread pre-oven, after it's rise. I ran out of brown sugar topping but the amount I made, I don't think it will hurt it. This snack will come in handy after our dig out tomorrow. I'll post a pic of the finish version with an review later.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The restaurant got a facebook page
Our wonderful neighbor, Brian put up our facebook page. I'm so happy. I've been so swamped at work that I couldn't even get to that. So thank you, thank you, thank you Brian. You have just made my day.
Here's the the link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Cafe-Bua-of-Piscataway/180139312015830
I wanted to let all my readers know what a great neighbor and about his restaurant in Jamesburg, NJ. It's called Fiddleheads Restaurant. Please visit his restaurant website to see what going on at his restaurant: http://www.fiddleheadsjamesburg.com/ or facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/FiddleheadsJamesburg.
I also wanted to let you know that I'm going to stop posting about the restaurant here and move all of that to cafebua.blogspot.com. It's purely the happenings in PrincessHotFlash. Hope you keep reading.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
We're open!
As of 6:00am, 12/9/10, we are officially open. Still working out things. Started a blog for the restaurant to feature new dishes and things that are happening there. Here's the link: CafeBua.blogspot.com
Still have posted anything there. It has a banner. Will try and get to it this weekend.
Still have posted anything there. It has a banner. Will try and get to it this weekend.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Restaurant Update
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