Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Great Wild West

Here's the first part of our trip out west this past May. Drove more than 1700 miles on this trip.

Elk Grove
Started off at my sister's place in Elk Grove (south of Sacramento). Spend time roaming around town with my sister and my parents (in from Hawaii) while WG worked from home from their house. We got a one day visitation with my all-too-busy-college-student nephew before he went off on a crazy long weekend camping music festival in Washington.

My niece got her license (on the last day of her permit) while we were there. Now we have to worry about her getting lost. I baked a vanilla bean cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting (Yummmm!) to celebrate. Read about it in super eggplant. The recipe is from Coconut and Lime.

THE PLANE. All the boys (dad and WG) were excited to see that. My brother-in-law has decide to build a plane in his garage. As you can see from the pictures below, my ride isn't coming too soon

The plans

Here's a part of the plane that he has built. Not sure what part it is. He is really building everything from scratch.

This piece was on his work bench. There was way too many holes that he had to drill. Can't wait to see the progress and my ride.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I wanted to share a few of vacation pictures with you. I'm a little pokey so these are from Prague in February '08. One day I'll get pictures out on time.

After very bad fight (migraine and throwing up), my first really day started off great. Weather not cold at all. Here's the the tram we about to catch.

Wheatgerm (WG) in the main square. Look! he's wearing the first sweater I ever knitted. Not bad, don't you think.

View from Prague Castle, actually it's outside of the castle gates. We had such good weather, it made every looks so beautiful.

Leaving the Prague Castle. May look a bit annoyed. WG is the photographer and very rarely do I get to take a picture. For someone who hate getting her picture taken, it's kind of torture. I always look fat.

See more pictures at my flickr site.

Being hot

I should have known that this temperature thing would be as dreadful as it sounds. My mom had her own battle cry with beads of sweat suddenly appearing on her face and body. Her cry wasn’t as whine-y as mine, it was just not her style. It was more like gasp or sudden expression of the moment. And little did I know at the time, she was superhero fighting her own battle of fluctuating body temperatures. I wonder what her superhero name is.

She did have a motto and she often said it to me, “Don’t laugh, it’s going to happen you one day! I should have known better.

Monday, July 21, 2008

tah dah! I'm here!

Hi all! This is my first posting. Yes, FINALLY!!! I’ve been talking about this for a couple of years now, and I guess I finally got my act in somewhat in order and a gentle nudge from Aunty K, here it is. I’m still not sure what it is going to be so please bear with me or just give me a yell to get on with it.

I guess I should explain the name. I think everyone has a superhero in them or at least a name and my name came about with my middle of the night battle cries, “I’M HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and violent ripping off of the covers. It really sucks to get old but I thought I’d embrace it and become a super hero (or pretend to be one). My super powers are radiating excessive body heat in the middle of the night and constant whine about being hot. That should scare a few bad guys away.