This weekend I decided to bring my breakfast and lunch to work to save some money. I also have some time to test out some recipes that have been burning up my to testing list.
First up Breakfast
Greek yogurt, banana, homemade granola and local honey. Been wanting to try Alton Brown's granola recipe for a while and had the time this weekend. Adjusted it a litte, switch out pecans for almonds [what I had in my freezer] and added a 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon plus I added some craisins.

At first, I had my doubts. Didn't smell as I thought it would, I nibbled on a litte kind at the beginning, kind of bland. I was hoping I didn't have to toss out the whole thing. That would be such a waste. But an hour and fifteen minutes later [stirring every 15 minutes], it turned out great. Makes a lot, I think enough for 2 weeks of breakfasts. Not too sweet and not bland, just perfect with my yogurt and banana. Nice and filling.
My Lunch
I'm writing it as I'm eating it: Roast Beef [from the restaurant], spring and vidalia onion marmalade [onion from my produce bag from work] on a hard roll with a broccoli parmesan fritter. Broccoli has become my new favorite veggies and I found this recipe on Smitten Kitchen. I actually at the whole recipe by myself this weekend. I loved it with sweet chili sauce. I'm eating the last one with my sandwich. Wish I had more.

Another Recipe Test
I had some very sweet strawberries from Costco this week and wanted to try out this strawberry pie recipe from Sauver. Wanted to make a fruit pie with what was in season. I'm still not sure about it. Very juicy but tasted good. I think the crust need some work. Last time I made this crust it was great. It's probably me. I guess I need to work on my pies. Maybe I'll try a pie a week.

And this is what I saw yesterday. Thought it was dog poop [was a little annoyed before I realized what it was] and I almost step on it. A tiny snapping turtle. The river is down the hill and really far distance for that little thing to walk up. Maybe a bird dropped it in the yard.
Don't know what's up with my yard this year but I have tons of birds--cardinals, bluejays, robins, starlings finches, just saw a hummingbird near my impatienceand animals--bunnies, groundhogs, squirrels, foxes, dear, racoons, wild turkeys roaming around in both the front and back. It's not like I live in the woods or the country.
I know, I know, when will it end. This should be it. Part 4 is mostly what I did with my parents and the 7 days flew by. Here's picture of my parents @ the rose garden as a tease to keep you reading.
After dropping off the CA family at the airport, we didn't do too much, mainly staying around the house. We planted my garden, [had to get the people with green thumbs to help, more chance of survival]. Mom was very pleased with her color choice.

I'm taking a break from my vacation post to show you my new planted garden. So far, so good. Flowers are blooming, seedling are growing and no animals have eaten the plants [so far, keeping my fingers cross].
Here's what's in my garden: front to back: 2 rows of daikon seedlings, flat leaf parsley [I know there's a big whole between the parsley, may get some green/scallions from the restaurant] , chili peppers, can't remember the name of the flowers, zinnia seedlings, dahlias.
And these are my new potted plants:

2 types of mint and pot of chives[old--just keeps on growing year after year]
Some kind of daisy, old sage plant and stock
I hope I get a bounty of flowers, chilis, daikon, and herbs this summer. Wish my garden luck that I don't forget to water them.
Waiting for the other birthday girl, Mom, sister and niece
The birthday party was for my mom and my cousin's daughter, Princess A. Planning was started as soon as everyone arrived. Once the menu was made and off we went food shopping. After running to the farmers market and asian food stores, we were ready for the party.
I guess I did a lot because I'm having a hard time to remember. Oh well, here it goes. Once everyone arrive, we focus our attention on two things, my garden and the birthday party.
My Garden
Waiting for plants
Both my parents and brother-in-law have great veggie gardens at home. I thought I'd take advantage of their gardening skills and handiness to get a one in place during their visiting.