I been making some kind of version of these for a while. I started this while back probably a year ago. Never finished but remember that I had only a little bit more to finish and I needed a secret santa gift and I thought this would be perfect for the person. She travels a bunch for work and this would help her organize all electronic stuff and it's handmade.
Found a chevron pattern I liked . . .
Chevron Pattern: Adapted Opus Spicatum by Kate Gagnon Osborn
Yarn: Stitch Nation Full o' Sheep
added my flat bottom technique then add a lining, zipper and tassel pull. Hope she liked it.

I still have leftover green and teal yarn so I'm making up a hat. I have something started on needles but just saw an idea on pinterest and I may from what I've done so far to make up my idea. Stay tune.
Varigated Yarn
I got this yarn from a secret santa gift. My hints were cooking, knitting and no pink. This is the gift I got: varigated blue, brown and beige 100% wool. I love wool and this wool was nice, but just not my color. I tried it out as a hat for WG but frogged that. didn't like how the color were coming out. I made this cowl out of the same type of wool for my niece last year. The pattern was really easy for me and it turned our really nice. So with my fingers cross I started this pattern with the hope that the pattern worked with the varigation.
I think it looks good. Still need to block. And this maybe the first think I sell.
Pattern: Maryse Cowl by Amy Christoffers
Yarn: Patons Classic Wool
Baby Gifts
I know three people that are having babies in the next couple of months and this is a good way to use up my cotton yarn. I'm been making these burping cloth and bibs. This is the first one I gave as a gift. I really like the combination. Easy, easy pattern and make you feel really good when it's done.
Pattern: Baby Genius Burp Cloths and Baby Bib O' Love from Mason*Dixon Knitting
Yarn: Red: Lion Cotton; Ecru: Peaches and Creme
I want to knit up some leg warmer with some wool I have. Wish I started it earlier I'm thinking of sending it to my niece. She move to Almost Canada to Wisconsin after graduation. And she's experiencing the a really cold winter. I saw a picture of her in rainbow leg warmers and thought she could use another pair in a more subtle coloration. That's my next project after the burping cloth/ bib 3 and green/teal hat. Wish I could knit faster or stay up later.
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