Made with rainbow swiss chard and comte cheese. I was so impressed at how it looked and smelled right out of the oven. I used smittenkitchen's leek and mushroom quiche recipe. I sauteed some 1/2 onion, sliced in olive oil and butter. Added the stems first to soften up [the onions turned pink from the red stems], then the leaves, covered to wilt down the leaves. Seasoned with salt and pepper and a dash of fish sauce [the crazy thai influence]. Continued to cook evaporate the some of liquid.
Followed the quiche part recipe pretty close, my dairy was half milk and half heavy cream, use grated comte cheese, about a 1/4 cup and I didn't add the additional butter.
I just had it for my lunch, not too heavy but creamy and just the right amount of saltiness and chard gives a great texture to the quiche. And the crust is flaky and light [I'm glad because I'm still working on my crust]. Maybe if I can find the time [haha], I can make a quiche for the weekend brunch specials.
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