While doing some research on korean fried chicken, found my way to Beyond Kimchee. I thought I was there to check out her fried chicken recipe but how could I help myself from not stopping to read about sweet potato doughnuts. Here's a link to the recipe: http://www.beyondkimchee.com/sweet-potato-rice-donuts/
The recipe is pretty easy, especially if you already have the potatoes ready. And the frying up is pretty easy as you don't have to cook it as hot as regular deep fried item. See the Beyond Kimchee's comments about oil temp. Got some pictures of my recipe test [yes, I remembered this time].
I love the color from the potatoes.
First batch frying up. Slow by steady, keep moving it around.
My second one, this one I waited to it cooled a bit. the first one was just too hot and texture wasn't right. This had a mochi-chew quality.
All done, 3 dozen in total minus the two I tasted. The taste not too sweet, I like the sweet potato taste. It's not a regular yeasty, doughy doughnut. It's pretty good, a nice cold weather treat with hot cup of coffee or tea. I guess I'll make few people happy today.
1 comment:
Don't they taste good? Love the color of your dough and your doughnut balls looks perfect. Thanks for liking to my post.
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