Sunday, July 18, 2010

my unfinished projects

I'm having a lot of trouble finishing project lately. Maybe too many going on at one time?(These are on top of Baby Ribby's Blanket and another secret baby blanket project.) Keep making mistakes then having to rip the out. But I wanted to share what I've been working on beside cleaning out the crap from my house. 

1. A's new shoes. One is bigger than the other. I have to rip apart one side and try and make it match. This is why I hate making pairs of things. They never match. 
2. Tiger team scarf. Needed a project for my long train ride home from Boston and wanted to treat myself for having to attend week-long meeting stuck in a conf. room when the weather was so beautiful. So I fell in love with the yarn first, it is so beautiful. Kind of gun-metal gray with a little bit blue. 
3. Purple ivy. Bought this yarn last winter when this color was so hot. I hope by the time I'm finished it will still be in fashion to wear it. It's a great looking pattern but not good to work on when tired (which I'm always tired lately), too many mistakes. 
4. A colorful cap. Another baby gift. This is taking a really long time; skinny yarn, small needle. But it is really fun and playful. 

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